Sunday, January 17, 2010


Day 14
My stomach is punishing me right now. My crime? Eating a piece of gingerbread. A tree top to be specific. And it may have had some icing on it. And perhaps a few pieces of candy. But who could make an entire gingerbread house without eating even a teensy bit?!

I can only see two reasons a little sweet treat would upset my stomach so much: either my body has gotten so used to me eating only fruit for dessert that it's in shock trying to process the sugar, or two-month-old gingerbread is not the best thing for the digestion system. I am really hoping it's the first one!

My boyfriend and I were supposed to make the gingerbread house before we went home for Christmas break. Unfortuantely we got too caught up in decorating our mini tree and sewing our stockings and forgot. Oh and of course all that time wisely spent studying for exams got in the way.

I figured I would lose Christmas spirit points if I didn't even have a bite so there was really no option. And while I'm making this confession I might as well admit I have cheated two other times.

In the name of journalistic integrity I will disclose my other indulgences below, each accompanied by a very good excuse:

* Tuesday, January 12 - One (maybe one and a half) handful(s) of chocolate chips on top of my yogourt. I was out of bananas and this seemed the only acceptable substitute.
* Saturday, January 16 - Half a bottle of red wine (it was a small bottle!) My boyfriend and I were celebrating 11 months together.

Now, before you go questioning my committment to the project, a little progress report. After two weeks of following my plan (for the most part)... I have lost approximately 6 pounds and tightened my belt two notches. Not bad, eh?


  1. I think it's way better then just "not bad"! You're doing amazing!!! and that red wine is a good source of anti-oxidants!! keep going! I BELIEVE!!! xoxo

  2. My parents each have at least a glass of red wine every night, so I don't think it's too bad for you.

  3. Agreed - red wine is only cheating if you also had food with it because when you are drinking your stomach can't absorb nutrients so it turns it all into fat (hence beer bellies!). Ask Rachie for better details on this, I just know the basics!

    Also we were raised to believe that fruit could not be eaten without some sort of sugar or chocolate (thanks Mom! haha), so I imagine that is a difficult pattern to break. I have only just started to be able to eat bananas without something sweet to dip them in.

    Hope your tummy tum is feeling better little one. xoxo

  4. Awesome progress Kelsey - I'm jealous! Bridget

  5. Hey!!! What's this blaming your Mom? At least I got you guys to eat fruit! And...I believe all things need to be dipped- that's why I have beer with my smartfood.
    (Guess I'd better re-read that 'beer belly' comment by Karen)
    Maybe next year you should just make a Gingerbread cabin or tent, Kelsey.
