Monday, February 8, 2010

Endorphin Junkie

Day 36
You know that feeling you get when you're running and you stop having to tell your legs what to do? And it's like they are just carrying you? Like you are completely untouchable? Either you know exactly what I'm talking about or you are questioning my sanity.

But no matter what you think, I am a definite believer in Runner's High. How else do you explain that place of pure happiness you can only get to by sprinting as hard as possible? That place where no matter how many people pass you, you still think you are the fastest runner on the track?

I went to that place today. As I ran around the small indoor track at my school I couldn't keep myself from smiling. At one point I busted out my air guitar without noticing. And even once I noticed, I finished my mock jam before I put my hands back at my sides.

It's a priceless feeling really. Like falling in love, or getting something you've always dreamed of. And even if it only happens once every ten times I run, it's so worth the pain of the other nine times.

I wish I could bring everyone I know to this place, but I guess it's one of those things you have to do for yourself. Good luck!


  1. i know exactly what you're talking about:) and i'm smiling right now thinking of that mini air guitar gig you did:)keep going! you're doing so well! xoxo

  2. Ahhhhh, this makes me so happpy! Gooood for you! You're inspiration for sure to get my butt to the gym! Want to see pics!

  3. homie post a list of songs you listen to when you run.. take us to that place! haha :) good post and i wish i knew what you were talking about.. untill then your nuts haha jk:P

  4. Megan - Pics are coming very soon!
    Amanda - Here is my basic playlist:
    1. Wavin' Flag - K'naan
    2. Evacuate The Dance Floor - Cascada
    3. Sexy Bitch - David Guetta
    4. TiK ToK - Ke$ha
    5. Replay - Iyaz

    Those are my Top 5 staples, and then I add other stuff in depending on my mood.
