Sunday, February 14, 2010

This Is It

Day 42

Here we are. The end. Sometimes I felt like this day would never come, others I felt like time was moving too fast.

I set out on this project looking for an answer and I found one. Is it possible to get a six pack in six weeks? No. Not for me anyways. But that doesn't mean it can't happen for other people and it also doesn't mean it can never happen for me.

I refuse to give up on the elusive six pack. I still believe I will have one some day. For now though, I am happy with what I have accomplished. I feel so much better about my body and so much healthier.

I have also learned alot! I don't think I can keep up the intense pace of the past six weeks but my workouts have become much more effective and I have mastered the art of eating healthy foods. Over the past 42 days I have been collecting little bits of knowledge and now I'm ready to put them all together.

As a final thought I'd like to share what this experience has taught me.


1. Don't believe everything you read. And if you're skeptical, find out for yourself if it's true! I wondered for years if everything the health magazines promised was possible. And while it was a bit sad to find out they are not a source of complete truth, I still love them all the same! After all, I'm alot better off than I would be if they had told me it was extremely unlikely that I would be able to achieve my goal.

2. Tuesdays are soccer days. If my motivation levels are not where I need them be, running around the track while the soccer team practices on the fields in the centre is the easiest way to make sure I get a good workout. All I have to do is pretend the coach is talking to me when he screams, "You call that a sprint?! Run! Run! Run!"

3. Fat is very good at hiding. When I started the project, I went through my grocery list and picked the low-fat alternative of nearly everything I buy. Surprisingly, I barely noticed a difference. Cheese made with skim milk for instance, or light peanut butter - it all tastes the same to me! My favourite trick: substitute fat free plain yogurt for sour cream. It sounds disgusting I know, but trust me as long as there are enough other flavours going on, you get the exact same effect. For instance, layer salsa on top and dip your nacho chips in it!

4. Matter over mind. Exercising nearly every day gets your body into some very good habits! Even when I was dreading going to the gym and all I could think about was getting home and taking a nap, as soon as my feet hit the stairmaster, they knew exactly what to do. My brain was saying "No, you do not want to be doing this right now!" But my muscles happily worked together and kept right on going.

5. It takes a village. Embarking on this challenge helped me realize that I have the most encouraging friends and family on this planet, not to mention the single most supportive boyfriend that ever lived. When I made excuses for not going to the gym, you shot them down and talked me into it. When I reached for the chocolate, you slapped my hand. When I wanted to give up, I knew you would never let me.

So thank you! I truly could not have done it without every single person who read my blog, commented on my posts, gave me advice and took an interest. It has been so amazing!

Project Six Pack is over, but my quest has just begun. Look for me in the summer. I'll be the girl walking down the beach with the gorgeous abs. That's a promise.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Exercise Pays. Literally.

Day 38
I am an avid coin collector. That's what I like to call myself anyway. I guess another way of putting it would be that I pick up every piece of change I see. Today, after finding two cents on the track -score!- I realized that this hobby is similar to working out in many ways.
To start with, you can look a bit silly doing either.
One time I was sitting on a bench waiting for a bus when I noticed a penny about 3 metres away on the ground. I walked over and bent down to pick it up. As I stood up, I heard "Hey Kelsey!" and looked to see two old friends who had watched the whole thing. Not how I would ideally choose to run into someone.

Likewise, the way I look when I am working out is not how I would want to present myself to people. The gym is a place that can make even the most confident people self-conscious. I always tried to comfort myself with that line: "Nobody is watching you, they are focused on their workout." However, over the past five weeks I have realized that this is a complete lie. I look at every person who walks into the gym, so I can only assume others are looking at me. And the whole baggy shirt with old highschool gym shorts, covered in sweat look is not really my thing.

Another thing "coin collecting" has in common with working out? It requires a lot of patience. My friends always tease me for picking up pennies and I guess it's because one cent seems pretty worthless. But twice a year when I count those coins up, it feels good to have a few extra dollars in my pocket.

Exercising works in the same way. One day of exercise is like a penny. Alone it isn't going to get you much, but keep adding more and eventually you will have enough to get what you want. Like a six pack, for example.

From January until now, the number of people in the gym on any given day has probably been cut in half. After Christmas, everyone is ready to try to get the body they want and this time they are determined! But a few weeks later, when nothing has changed, they give up.

It really is difficult to keep working out when you're not seeing any results, it seems pointless, like picking up pennies. But, eventually, it will all add up!

These pictures of my progress demonstrate perfectly. If you look from one week to the next you really can't see too much change (pun intended.) But between week one and six, there is a huge difference! (At least, I hope.)

*NOTE 1: These are pictures that I have been taking at the beginning of each week. So the first one is before I started the project and the last one is from this Monday. I will be posting a final picture of my results at the end of the week!
**NOTE 2: My camera does not show very much detail. My abs are actually more defined than they appear (I swear!) I will try to get a higher quality image for my final picture.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Endorphin Junkie

Day 36
You know that feeling you get when you're running and you stop having to tell your legs what to do? And it's like they are just carrying you? Like you are completely untouchable? Either you know exactly what I'm talking about or you are questioning my sanity.

But no matter what you think, I am a definite believer in Runner's High. How else do you explain that place of pure happiness you can only get to by sprinting as hard as possible? That place where no matter how many people pass you, you still think you are the fastest runner on the track?

I went to that place today. As I ran around the small indoor track at my school I couldn't keep myself from smiling. At one point I busted out my air guitar without noticing. And even once I noticed, I finished my mock jam before I put my hands back at my sides.

It's a priceless feeling really. Like falling in love, or getting something you've always dreamed of. And even if it only happens once every ten times I run, it's so worth the pain of the other nine times.

I wish I could bring everyone I know to this place, but I guess it's one of those things you have to do for yourself. Good luck!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Level 10

Day 31
The StairMaster and I have a bit of a rocky relationship. Initially, it was mostly filled with hate, from my end anyway, but now it's all love! No other machine in the gym can make me sweat like this one can.

I even have a particular StairMaster that I always use. Number 3. It appears to be the oldest of the four in the gym, but that means it's the simplest to program. It also means it was probably invented before obesity became an epidemic.

See, Number 3 has no comfort grips on it's handles, it's steps are not even big enough for a whole foot, and there is no place to put a magazine, or even a water bottle. It is made for the intense fitness me.

Number 3 has twenty levels of difficulty and my newest goal is to complete a fifteen minute workout at the highest level by the end of my six weeks.

Today I completed fifteen minutes at level ten. I had to stop three times. This is one serious machine. I think it was probably donated by a trainer for an Olympic athlete who said it was just too difficult.

I sweated off approximately ten pounds in those fifteen minutes. And according to Number 3's simple black screen with red lights, burned 130 calories. A number which is potentially accurate considering I have stopped lying to workout machines about my weight. Honesty is important in any good relationship after all.

See you tomorrow Number 3, and be ready to take it to the next level!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Professional Help

Day 29
As I begin the fifth week of Project Six Pack, I am pleased to announce that I now have a fitness consultant on board! My sister/kinesiologist extraordinaire has been giving me pointers that I think will really increase my chances of success.

Up until now, I've been developing my six pack strategy based on magazine and online articles, which are all very contradictory I might add. And while this information has proved fairly effective , advice from a real, live person (especially one I'm related to) seems a lot more trustworthy.

So I enter Week Five with more confidence than ever before and a sense of excitement, knowing that my goal may not be so outrageous as I once thought.

Also, a shout out to my naysayers - proving someone wrong is the most effective motivation you could give me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

You Gotta Have Faith

Day 26
My project is approximately 62% complete today and I'm feeling a little discouraged. I have made some good progress but those last 4 abs just do not want to show up!

Abs, if you're listening, now is your time to shine. Don't be shy! I thought estimating 2 hours of working out plus no junk food was a pretty safe plan. Turns out it takes more than that. I think maybe my mind and my body are not getting along. They are like siblings, one is saying, "Watch what I can do," and the other replies with, "We'll see about that!"

Of course, my brain wants a six pack, it just doesn't want to sacrifice it's pride and believe that it's possible. Brains don't like to be wrong. So my goal right now is to make sure my whole self is on board. You can't spell abs without team work. Okay fine, according to the english language you can, but not in my books.

So my mantra for the next weeks is: You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! I will also be using music from my well-developed playlists to drown out any negative thoughts.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Day 22

I am writing this post from class. Canadian Social History to be specific. Normally I don’t advocate multi-tasking but desperate times call for desperate measures.

School is starting to pick up: midterms, topic proposals and stories loom. And as I focus more on these assignments, I have begun to slack in other areas: namely laundry and keeping my room in a decent state.

You see, time management is really just math. Twenty four hours in a day divided by all the things that need to be done. So as school work begins to require more hours, there is less room for other tasks on the to-do list. But what if you could cheat? What if you could do two things at once, thereby theoretically increasing the number of hours in a day?

My sister passed on these wise words from a professor: “If you’re doing two things at once, you’re not doing one of them well enough.” And he was absolutely right. I have no idea what is happening in my lecture right now because I am writing this post.

Studies say it is impossible for the human brain to actually concentrate on more than one thing at once. Probably true, but I’m going to keep trying anyway.

As I attempt to manage my time more wisely, there are many decisions to be made. This class, for instance, lost out in the priorities battle because even when I do pay attention I don’t get much out of it.

One thing I won’t sacrifice: my work out. Everyday I see people pumping their legs on the elliptical while their eyes stare at a magazine, or notes from class. And I think ‘What’s the point?’

If I’m going to spend time working out, I am going to see results. And if I’m moving slow enough that I don’t have to wipe the sweat off my forehead before it drips into my eyes, those results are nothing but a faraway dream.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Day 21
Here I am. Halfway through my challenge. I feel proud of what I have accomplished but also anxious about what is left to be done. I would call my abs right now a two pack. That's only one third of the six I am aiming for, meaning mathematically I am a bit behind. Physically, however, I don't think a three pack would be too attractive so I'm content.

I thought I would take this opportunity to provide some more details of my plan. A few people have asked me what kind of things I eat and what exercises I do so the answers are coming up.
I eat approximately five times per day (the schedule varies depending on my classes.) My favourite snacks are: peanut butter on whole grain toast; yogurt with Mini Wheats (crushed up), banana and walnuts; and oatmeal with various toppings. Smoothies are another favourtie.
My meals really depend on what I have in the house and how much time I want to spend cooking. Staple foods are: lean ground beef, chicken, eggs, whole wheat pasta and veggies.

As for working out, I have to admit I do not have an extremely solid plan because I don't want to get bored. I usually start with an hour on the track, sometimes intervals, sometimes steady jogging. I'm also a fan of the stair master. In the gym I basically use whatever machine is free.

My one constant is a video called "How To Get Six Pack Abs in Six Minutes On Your Couch" (I'll post the link at the bottom.) I do this routine at least once per day. There are some great moves, but mostly I think I like it because it makes me feel like my six week time frame is somewhat realistic.
Now that I am halfway through though I'm looking to kick it up a notch, Emeril style. Any tips?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time Flies When You're At The Gym?

Day 16
Something magical happened today. I had to convince myself to leave the gym. I had been running and working out for an hour and 40 minutes and I didn't want to stop! The time flew by and I felt like I could have stayed twice as long.

Unfortunately, fitness is not my full time job and I had to get some other things done so I forced myself to change out of my running shorts and go home.

Walking out of the gym I was on a natural high. I felt like nothing could get me down. And nothing tried. My bus came only 5 minutes after I got to the stop and I got a seat. To myself! A near miracle considering the bus I ride to and from school usually makes me jealous of the way animals are transported.

Yep, it was a very good day indeed. And while the convenience of the bus may have been luck, the amazing workout was all me. It was a new approach I decided to test out and the results are better than I predicted.

I have always been a skeptic of miracle solutions but my trick was free, quick and easy - and it worked! Here's how I did it: this morning when I woke up (very early I might add) instead of thinking "Oh man, I have to go to the gym today, there are so many other things I could do with that time!" I told myself, "Wow, today I am going to have 2 whole hours of me time, doing something I love!"

So there you have it folks, the secret is out. Now watch obesity vanish before your eyes.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Day 14
My stomach is punishing me right now. My crime? Eating a piece of gingerbread. A tree top to be specific. And it may have had some icing on it. And perhaps a few pieces of candy. But who could make an entire gingerbread house without eating even a teensy bit?!

I can only see two reasons a little sweet treat would upset my stomach so much: either my body has gotten so used to me eating only fruit for dessert that it's in shock trying to process the sugar, or two-month-old gingerbread is not the best thing for the digestion system. I am really hoping it's the first one!

My boyfriend and I were supposed to make the gingerbread house before we went home for Christmas break. Unfortuantely we got too caught up in decorating our mini tree and sewing our stockings and forgot. Oh and of course all that time wisely spent studying for exams got in the way.

I figured I would lose Christmas spirit points if I didn't even have a bite so there was really no option. And while I'm making this confession I might as well admit I have cheated two other times.

In the name of journalistic integrity I will disclose my other indulgences below, each accompanied by a very good excuse:

* Tuesday, January 12 - One (maybe one and a half) handful(s) of chocolate chips on top of my yogourt. I was out of bananas and this seemed the only acceptable substitute.
* Saturday, January 16 - Half a bottle of red wine (it was a small bottle!) My boyfriend and I were celebrating 11 months together.

Now, before you go questioning my committment to the project, a little progress report. After two weeks of following my plan (for the most part)... I have lost approximately 6 pounds and tightened my belt two notches. Not bad, eh?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Late Night Workout

Day 11
I got home from the gym at 10PM tonight. I was planning on writing a post about the differences between working out in the afternoon compared to night but I could only find one: the gym smells way worse at 9PM than it does at 2PM. It smelled so bad, in fact, that I ended my workout early to avoid passing out.

I suppose it makes sense that after 15 hours of people working out, the collective body odour would begin to accumulate, but this was a late night gym hazard I was completely unprepared for. I stuck it out as long as I could. I really did. Eventually, though, the stench became so unbearable that I excused myself ten minutes early for safety reasons.

I did learn something tonight and I would like it to be a warning to all: if you are going to work out after dinner, bring Febreeze. Or a nose plug.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Worst Enemy

Day 10
Grade 12 was probably my peak year for personal fitness. I was eating well, running 5k every week day with my school's cross country team, and rock climbing twice per week. Not to mention playing football on the beach or snowboarding with friends on weekends.

By the time I arrived at residence for my first day of university I had gained a few pounds from too much ice cream and more tanning than running, but I was still in very good shape. During the months that followed I continued to run and make relatively good choices when it came to food.

The only problem was that the cafeteria I ate in was all-you-can-eat style. Turns out I can eat alot. Enjoying my meals with guys twice my size probably didn't help. By Christmas some of my tighter jeans didn't fit and I started to notice the change in my body.

Second semester is where it all went downhill. I became bored with the flavorless food and tried to spice it up, mainly with ranch dressing and bacon. Before I knew it there were only a few pairs of pants in my closet I could still wear.

Don't get me wrong, I was still perfectly happy with the way I looked. Alot of people had teasd me for being too skinny in highschool. But I knew the way I was eating was not healthy for me, and it certainly was not a recipe for a six pack.

Since I started this project, I have been successful in avoiding junk food so I was a little nervous when I returned to the cafeteria yesterday to join my boyfriend for dinner. At first, I was tempted to give myself a free pass and indulge in all the pizza, fried food and ice cream the kitchen could offer. But once I thought about all my hours of hard work in the gym it was easy to resist.

I decided on a whole wheat wrap with tuna and lots of veggies and even had dessert: a piece of toast with honey and some cantaloupe. Take that big bad caf!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The S Word

Day 8
Yesterday was my first day off from working out since I started this project. No gym time. No homework yet. What was I going to do with an entire Sunday of free time? I was going to get all my laundry done, clean my room, get ahead on some reading... Unfortunately this did not pan out so well.

Here is how I actually spent my day: Went to church. Slept. Ate. Watched Gossip Girl. Slept. Watched Gossip Girl. Sneezed a few thousand times. Slept. Ate. Went to meet my boyfriend at the bus station. Watched the football game (Sorry about the Packers, Dad!) Went to bed at ten.

What happened to my plans of productivity? I hate to say this out loud (or in writing) but I think I am getting s-i-c-k.

It started Saturday and let's just say it's not getting better. Try as I might to destroy the lethargic feeling, sniffly nose and weird taste in my mouth, my powerful ammunition (Purell, water and sleep) seems to be failing me.

The question is, will this little cold foil my plans? Not if I can help it! It didn't stop me from going to the track today. Although it did slow me down significantly.

But not to worry, I am just going to have to make up for my less efficient than usual morning run with some extra crunches. Right now!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Day 5
I once read an article about different ways to motivate yourself to get to the gym. One of the suggestions was to write down how great you feel after a workout. Then, next time you don't feel like exercising you are supposed to read those encouraging words and be inspired!

There's a reason I haven't tried this strategy and that is because if I did I don't think I would ever engage in physical activity again. How do I feel after a 2 hour workout? Let's see... hungry, overheated, exhausted, sore and sweaty.

And those are only the physical things. Emotionally, I'm a complete wreck. I can't understand why a long gym session puts me so on edge, but if one little thing goes wrong (my bus is a minute late, I push the door instead of pull) I will actually start to cry.

Every day I tell myself that when I get home and shower and have something to eat, my world will be right again. And it always is. But every day I still feel like nothing is okay when I walk out of the gym.

So instead of thinking of those feelings when I need a little push to get me going, I'm going to make an effort to remember how I feel during my workout: strong, empowered, confident.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My iPod's Stuck On Replay

Day Three

Okay, okay so I guess since it's after midnight this is technically day four but I started writing earlier today and I'm the boss of this blog so we're calling it day three!

Here goes:

Over the past two days I have been conducting some very scientific research at the gym. My methods include observation (watching people workout) and... well, that's it actually. What I've found is that music seems to play a very important role in people's workout attitudes.

Take Exhibit A: The girl to the left of me on the stairmaster. She had no headphones in and was therefore listening only to the radio they play at the gym. Music which is barely audible above the sounds of weights clanging and treadmills whirring. I've seen happier faces on people writing exams or working 12 hour shifts. Her expression was pained. It made me more tired just seeing her.

Now let's examine Exhibit B: Another girl working on the eliptical sporting a set of brightly colored headphones. I recognized her face as one similar to mine when I buy a really cute shirt at a good price. Pure and simple joy. She silently sang along as her legs pumped, bobbing her head and practically bouncing her way through the workout.

In conclusion, assuming Girl B was actually listening to music rather than wearing the headphones for style and assuming these two girls represent the entire population, music makes for a much more pleasant and therefore effective workout session!

What has this study taught me? That I need new and better workout music in order to achieve my goal! I mean I love my Tim McGraw but when I'm pushing myself to finish those last five minutes of cardio, Live Like You Were Dying doesn't really kick me into high gear.

The only problem is I'm not sure what will motivate me. I've only found a few songs that do so far and they are getting old really fast. Any suggestions?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Under Construction

Day One
One day in and I haven't given up yet. This is a good sign. I got up early today to spend my first two waking hours at the gym - a practice that will now be part of my daily routine. As usual, getting myself there was the hardest part. I almost convinced myself to stay home twice before breakfast.
It's not that I'm unmotivated, I've just become really good at making up excuses. A talent I could certainly do without. During the walk from my locker to my school's athletic center, I repeatedly told myself the track I like to run on would be reserved for a team and all the treadmills (my second choice) would be taken.
I'm not exactly sure why I talk myself down like this. I actually really enjoy running. Maybe if I had taken psychology I'd be able to figure it out. What I do know is that I was somehow able to shut that voice in my head up today.
As I rounded the corner to the gym's entrance I was stopped by yellow tape over the door that read "Under Construction." But instead of using this unexpected bump as a free escape (like the me who gained 20 pounds in her freshman year would have,) I kept walking, followed signs to an alternate entrance, and found that all workout facilities are open during renovation.
Normally, this would have secretly let me down a bit. Today though, I was glad. And after a successful workout session I've decided the gym and I could become close friends. After all, we have something in common. We're both "under construction."