Monday, January 11, 2010

The S Word

Day 8
Yesterday was my first day off from working out since I started this project. No gym time. No homework yet. What was I going to do with an entire Sunday of free time? I was going to get all my laundry done, clean my room, get ahead on some reading... Unfortunately this did not pan out so well.

Here is how I actually spent my day: Went to church. Slept. Ate. Watched Gossip Girl. Slept. Watched Gossip Girl. Sneezed a few thousand times. Slept. Ate. Went to meet my boyfriend at the bus station. Watched the football game (Sorry about the Packers, Dad!) Went to bed at ten.

What happened to my plans of productivity? I hate to say this out loud (or in writing) but I think I am getting s-i-c-k.

It started Saturday and let's just say it's not getting better. Try as I might to destroy the lethargic feeling, sniffly nose and weird taste in my mouth, my powerful ammunition (Purell, water and sleep) seems to be failing me.

The question is, will this little cold foil my plans? Not if I can help it! It didn't stop me from going to the track today. Although it did slow me down significantly.

But not to worry, I am just going to have to make up for my less efficient than usual morning run with some extra crunches. Right now!


  1. KEEP GOING! Your hard work will show that germ who's boss! and keep up drinking that water. I BELIEVE!!! XOXO

  2. cold, schmold!! sweat it off with those workouts! (or of course, just delay the whole thing one week!) naaa- you can do it!

  3. Do you have a steam room? Because those will clear up your head immediately. If not head to your local Y and ask if they give free day passes, then steam your little brains out! Or do a makeshift one with your bathroom and waste a lot of water and run the hottest shower. Trust me, it was cure you for shiz!

  4. Rub some dirt on it and keep going!
