Monday, January 4, 2010

Under Construction

Day One
One day in and I haven't given up yet. This is a good sign. I got up early today to spend my first two waking hours at the gym - a practice that will now be part of my daily routine. As usual, getting myself there was the hardest part. I almost convinced myself to stay home twice before breakfast.
It's not that I'm unmotivated, I've just become really good at making up excuses. A talent I could certainly do without. During the walk from my locker to my school's athletic center, I repeatedly told myself the track I like to run on would be reserved for a team and all the treadmills (my second choice) would be taken.
I'm not exactly sure why I talk myself down like this. I actually really enjoy running. Maybe if I had taken psychology I'd be able to figure it out. What I do know is that I was somehow able to shut that voice in my head up today.
As I rounded the corner to the gym's entrance I was stopped by yellow tape over the door that read "Under Construction." But instead of using this unexpected bump as a free escape (like the me who gained 20 pounds in her freshman year would have,) I kept walking, followed signs to an alternate entrance, and found that all workout facilities are open during renovation.
Normally, this would have secretly let me down a bit. Today though, I was glad. And after a successful workout session I've decided the gym and I could become close friends. After all, we have something in common. We're both "under construction."


  1. Awesome first post!!!! i believe in you!!!!!! and i liked your kicker, very witty! You have inspired me. LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Thats awesome, I myself have started going back to the gym so far I am 2 for 2!

  3. so glad i can hear about whats up with you! i keep a livejournal somewhere on the internet if you can manage to find me........!

  4. Nice work Carleigh! And Laura I will definitely try to find you :)

  5. What a surprise to find out you had a blog about six packs. You made me laugh, you made me cry! You inspired me to submit a newspaper article about this blog, to the Niagara Falls Review for Jan.9th. What a woman!!

  6. i love the ending :D im excited for this blog:) expect regular comments :D / imma follow you
